Alzheimer’s Texas is dedicated to encouraging and supporting research through our partnerships with the DKR Alzheimer’s Research Fund and the Texas Alzheimer’s Research and Care Consortium and others.
We also support the work of UsAgainstAlzheimer's. Join the A-List 1000, the 1st on-line club partnering with researchers for a cure.
Table of Contents
The Darrell K Royal Research Fund represents the pinnacle of commitment to excellence in Research and Care for Texans to attempt to cure Alzheimer's disease (AD) in our lifetimes, to expand research into Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), and to expand the paradigms of care and access for Texans, enabling exposure to preventative care and treatment strategies aimed at combating the epidemic of AD. Alzheimer’s Texas was the recipient of the Edith Royal Caregiver Grant in 2014 to fund education and support programs.
Learn more at:
The Texas Alzheimer’s Research and Care Consortium (TARCC) is a collaboration between six of the state’s leading medical research institutions to improve early diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.
Learn more at:
- Texas State University - Department of Psychology Study:
We have launched our newest online survey examining cognition and aging. We would appreciate it if you would consider taking the survey and passing it along to others you know. We are interested especially in caregivers to individuals with dementia, but welcome any participants over 40 years of age!
It takes about 30 minutes to complete and all answers are anonymous. Upon completing the survey (and providing an email address that will not be linked to any of your responses), you will be entered into a drawing for one of 10 $30 Amazon gift cards!
Participate in the survey here.
- Research Study on Dementia-Friendly Communities to Promote Active Living
Texas A&M researchers invite caregivers to participate in a survey to learn about how community environments affect the health and well-being of persons with memory loss. If you are a caregiver of someone living with memory problems in Texas, please click HERE to see if you are eligible to participate, and if so, proceed to take the survey and receive a $10 gift card as a token of our appreciation.
Your responses will help inform the design of dementia-friendly communities. Please consider forwarding this opportunity to friends, family, and neighbors that may qualify for this important research. For further information, please contact our Project Manager, Dr. Aya Yoshikawa, at 979-436-9527 or [email protected].
- Family Caregiving Study 2020
Do you provide non-paid care for a family member who is aging or has an underlying physical/mental disability or aliment in addition to your own job? Join Baylor University and Texas State University in a new research opportunity to learn more about family caregivers.Baylor and Texas State researchers are seeking participants for a new study on how family caregiving affects work and family dynamics. We are recruiting adults who are working at least 30 hours/week and also serving as a family caregiver in the United States.
Participation only requires you to fill out two online surveys (approximately 20 minutes each, one month apart between Aug 31st and Oct 4th). In return, each person who completes the study will receive a $25 Amazon gift card with the possibility of earning up to $40 if you also refer other people to participate.
To find out if you are qualified and to sign up, visit
Thank you for your interest. Please contact Dr. Matt Quade ([email protected]) with questions.
- The University of Texas - School of Nursing - Older adults age 65 or older are invited to participate in an NIH-funded research study, entitled "Boosting Older Adults' Cognition by Training Real-World eHealth Skills," for research purposes. The study purpose is to understand the relationship between Internet use and cognition among older adults. Main activities of this study are: meeting twice a week, two hours each time, over 3 months at a public library or senior center to learn to use computers to find high quality health information on the internet. The study is conducted by Dr. Bo Xie's research team in the School of Nursing and School of Information at the University of Texas at Austin (512-471-9407). Participants receive a $20 Target gift card for completing a questionnaire at the beginning of the study and another $20 Target gift card for completing a second questionnaire at the end of the study.
- The University of Texas - Dell Medical School - Researchers at UT Dell Medical School invite you to volunteer to take part in a long-term observational study to discover the causes of Alzheimer's disease. If you identify as Hispanic and have memory loss you may be eligible. Qualified participants must be 50 or older, have a study partner available to participate in person or over the phone, and return once a year for a 7-hour visit. Qualified participants receive study-related exams with healthcare staff and memory tests at no charge and compensation for their time. If you would like to participate or if you have questions, contact Alyssa Aguirre at 512-495-5236 or [email protected].
- The University of Texas Dell Medical School and TARCC - Researchers at UT Dell Medical School and TARCC invite you to volunteer to take part in a study to test the usability of a smartwatch app for caregivers and persons with Alzheimer's. The system being tested will enable caregivers to monitor the location of the smartwatch, set safe zones, and initiate a two-way talk. The goal is to help family members respond to the needs of loved ones who are at risk of getting lost. Researchers are looking for caregivers who are caring for loved ones with dementia or mild cognitive impairment who live in the community. Caregivers must provide at least 20 hours or more care per week without pay, use a smartphone, speak and read English, and are concerned about their loved-one wandering. Interested participants, please contact Janelle Geltman at 512-495-5306 or [email protected].
- Senior Adults Specialty Research is participating in important study to help evaluate an investigational medication for people with Early Alzheimer’s disease. You may qualify if you are aged 50 – 90 years, currently showing signs of problems with memory or thinking, or have a diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment or Mild Alzheimer's disease. Please visit or contact us at 512-407-8628 today to learn more about qualifying for this study.
- Active Aging - Texas: A research study conducted by Texas A&M and supported by The National Cancer Institute –
The group is currently recruiting participants for a research study about age-friendly community. They are looking for caregivers to a person with memory loss who is able to complete an online survey by clicking the link below or requesting a hard copy. Participants will receive a $10 gift card upon completion. To participate, please contact 979-436-9527 or [email protected].
- A research study at Be Well MD in conjunction with Advanced Clinical Research – Be Well MD is looking for participants in the Austin area age 55-80 who have a diagnosis of probable Alzheimer's disease mild to moderate dementia. Potential participants must also have a reliable study partner. Once qualified study participants will receive study-related medication and exams at no cost. Compensation up to $300 for study participant and up to $300 for study partner. To learn more and to see if you qualify, please call ACR (Advanced Clinical Research) at 737-204-1997 or visit
- The Aphasia Research and Treatment Lab at the University of Texas at Austin - A study investigating how the brain processes language. Currently recruiting individuals age 50-80 years old with a diagnosis from a neurologist of Mild Cognitive Impairment. The study consists of up to 3 sessions that include behavioral, EEG, and MRI tasks. Participants will earn up to $100 for their participation. Interested? Contact Rachel Tessmer at [email protected] or (281) 813 - 6102
- NightRest: “Nighttime Agitation and Restless Legs Syndrome in People With Alzheimer’s Disease” – Nighttime agitation (“sundowning”) in people with Alzheimer’s disease causes suffering, distresses caregivers, and often results in prescriptions for harmful antipsychotics. This research study aims to help adults with sleep and nighttime behavior problems. The study involves identifying an often-unrecognized sleep disorder that may be causing suffering in silence and nighttime discomfort. If you qualify for the study, you will be randomly assigned (like the toss of a coin) to receive an inactive pill or an FDA-approved medication, gabapentin enacarbil (Horizant®), for 8 weeks. The research will be conducted at senior living and home settings in the Austin area. The NightRest study is conducted by Dr. Kathy Richards at the School of Nursing at The University of Texas at Austin. It is supported by the National Institute on Aging of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R01AG051588. Please contact our study staff at 512-475-7505 or [email protected] to discuss how you can participate.
- The University of Texas at Austin – Research Studies on Cognitive Enhancement Using Low-Level Light Therapy.
- The University of Texas is recruiting participants 45 years and older for a study that takes place over 10-12 weeks (total of 12 hours: two magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, a full battery of neuropsychological and cognitive assessments, some minor blood work, computer tasks, and six weekly laser sessions). We offer a $200 stipend and paid parking on campus. If interested in this study, please email [email protected] or call (512) 471-7926.
- The University of Texas is also recruiting participants 18 years and older for a study that takes place over 6 weeks (7 hours total: a set of neuropsychological assessments, a medical questionnaire, computer tasks, and 5 weekly laser sessions). We offer paid parking on campus, but no separate stipend for participation. If interested in this study, please email [email protected] or call (512) 593-8370.
- Both research studies are sponsored by the Darrell K Royal Research Fund for Alzheimer’s Disease, the National Institute for Aging, and the Oskar Fischer Fund.
- The University of Texas at Austin – Research Studies
- The University of Texas is recruiting participants who have been diagnosed or evaluated for issues of cognitive impairment as well as people caring for a person with memory loss. This study aims to improve care and services and support for people experiencing cognitive impairment as well as the people who care for them. Your participation entails being part of an informal, 90-minute group discussion with 4-8 other people of similar medical circumstance. Participants will receive a $50 HEB Gift card. If interested in this study, please email Chris Ulack, Study Coordinator at [email protected] or call 512-495-5391
- The nine medical research institutions participating in the Texas Alzheimer's Research Consortium are currently recruiting persons age 50 or older with probable Alzheimer's disease to participate in TARCC research studies into Alzheimer's onset and progression. The TARCC also is recruiting adults with healthy cognition to serve as a research "control" group. For more information about how to participate in the Consortium's Alzheimer's research studies, please contact the Project Coordinator at one of the following medical research institutions.
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston
Tracey Evans Dawson
TARCC Project Coordinator
[email protected]
University of North Texas Health Science Center, Fort Worth
Lisa Alvarez
TARCC Project Coordinator
[email protected]
The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas
Sarah Brisebois
Research Study Coordinator
[email protected]
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock
Vicki Perez, CRC
TARCC Project Coordinator
[email protected]
The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Marsha Polk
TARC Project Coordinator
[email protected]
Texas A&M Health Science Center, College Station
Visit for a complete listing of opportunities in your area.
Alzheimer’s Texas* has a strong history with advocacy and is proud of the work we have been able to accomplish over the last three decades. Highlights include:
- Service on the Texas Council on Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders
- Working with legislators to establish the Texas Alzheimer’s Research and Care Consortium with funding totaling $36M since 2005
- Participation in the writing of the first State Plan on Alzheimer’s Disease
- Active participation on the State Plan Partnership, working to implement the State Plan on Alzheimer’s Disease
- Awareness Day at the State Capitol - Wednesday, April 3. Sign up using the form below. Lunch in included!
Additionally, we serve on several groups working to support people touched by Alzheimer’s and related aging issues:
- Aging Services Council of Central Texas
- Texas Alerts Advisory Committee through the Texas Department of Public Safety: Emergency Management Division
- Texas Adult Protective Services Community Coalition
- Texas Disability Task Force on Emergency Management Meeting
- Texas Lifespan Respite Grant though the Area Agencies on Aging
- Texas MOST Coalition
- Texas Respite Coalition though the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services
For Federal advocacy work, we partner with UsAgainstAlzheimer's, a relentless force committed to ending Alzheimer's. Join us in Washington D.C. in the Fall for their annual summit.